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Global Deep Elite
Julie Andersen

Julie Andersen

Julie is a passionate environmentalist, diver, and lover of the oceans. She founded Shark Angels in 2007.

Neil Andrea

Neil Andrea

Neil is a professional cinematographer and photographer.

Stephanie Arne

Stephanie Arne

Stephanie is an ocean lover, educator, and TV host.

David & Melanie Benz

David & Melanie Benz

Husband-wife adventure team, both in front of and behind the camera.

Sandra Bessudo

Sandra Bessudo

Columbian, Former Columbia Presidential Advisor, President of the Colombian Oceans Commission and founder/ director of the Malpelo Marine Ecosystems.


Andy & Emma Casagrande

Husband and wife duo with a passion for creating natural history films.

Luca Coltri

Luca Coltri

Luca Coltri ist ein italienischer Tauchlehrer, Fotograf und Besitzer eines Tauchzentrums in Ventimiglia.


Caine Delacy

Caine is a researcher, educator, avid diver and dive trip leader.


Jérôme Delafosse

 French documentary and film director, writer and photo journalist, and dedicated SCUBAPRO Ambassador. Also leader of the Energy Observer vessel global expedition.


Daniela Dirscherl

Daniela Dirscherl has been diving for around 25 years and founded her picture agency WaterFrame in 2005.glo


Sylvia Earle

Sylvia has a storied career in ocean advocacy and among many accomplishments is the founder of Mission Blue.


Tobias Friedrich

The award-winning photographer Tobias Friedrich is underwater photographer of the year 2018.


Dr. Austin Gallagher

 Founder and Principal Scientist of Beneath the Waves, a non-profit organization dedicated to ocean conservation.


James Glancy

James is a professional filmmaker, host, and conservationist.


Howard and Michele Hall

Husband and wife duo who have produced some of the most iconic IMAX films about the ocean and marine life.


Peter Hughes

Peter is a diving pioneer who among many accomplishments founded DivEncounters Liveaboard Alliance.


Sabine Kerkau

Sabine Kerkau was inducted into the Women Divers Hall of Fame in 2019. With her NGO Baltic Sea Heritage, she works on the elimination of ghost nets in the sea.


Michael Lang

Michael has an esteemed career in scientific diving and ocean conservation.

Keller Laros

Keller Laros

Keller Laros, bekannt als Manta Man, begann 1991 mit der Erforschung von Mantarochen.


Dr. Andrea Marshall

Dr. Marshall is a conservation biologist, and co-founder and principal  scientist of the Marine Megafauna Foundation.


Edgardo Ochoa

Edgardo is an ocean advocate and the Global Marine and Diving Safety Officer at Conservation International.


Margo Peyton

A passionate educator and pioneer of family dive training, Margo is the founder of Kids Sea Camp.


Robert Quintana

 Robert is an avid diver, traveler and works as a representative of SCUBAPRO's product line.

David Reichert

David Reichert

David Reichert ist 4-facher Emmy-Preisträger als Fotoregisseur und Kameramann


David Rhea

 David is a well-respected cave and technical diver and works as a representative of SCUBAPRO's product line.


Paul Rose

Paul Rose is one of the world’s most experienced science divers, polar explorers and expedition leaders.


Harry Skeggs

Harry Skeggs is a multiple award winning wildlife photographer, his work being described as “some of the most iconic of the 21st century”.


Amber Sparks & Emily Hazelwood

Co-founders of the Blue Latitudes Foundation.


Stan Waterman

Stan is a diving pioneer and photographer with a long history of accolades in the dive community.


Paul Wildman

Paul is an award-winning cinematographer specializing in big animals.


Aaron Wong

Aaron is a professional photographer and avid diver.



Wyland is an ocean artist specializing in large scale wall murals, sculpture and paintings.


Sumer Verma

Sumer is a longtime Scuba Instructor and Underwater Photographer.


Cristina Zenato

Cristina is an avid shark conservationist and dive instructor with many accolades.

SCUBAPRO Global Dive Team
Mohamed Ali

Mohamed Ali (Moe)

Moe ist Tauchlehrer aus Ägypten.

Reyna Amezcua

Reyna Amezcua

Reyna is an avid diver living and working in Playa Del Carmen.

Kurt Amsler

Kurt Amsler

Kurt is a respected underwater photographer and author.

Levent Atil scuba diver global dive team

Levent Atil

Levent Atil is a Diving and Lifeguard Instructor and a UniversityLecturer

Christian Biancheri

Christian Biancheri

Christian Biancheri ist ein französischer Tauchausbilder und Unterwasserforscher


Erin & Deano Cook

Erin is a Fitness Instructor & Underwater Photographer and Deano is a Artist and Photographer. They are based in Atl, GA and Jensen Bch, FL, USA.

Meggy Diving

Malgorzata Czupajlo (Meggy.diving)

Meggy teilt ihre Leidenschaft für das Tauchen, Unterwasser-Amateurfilme und alles, was mit dem Tauchen zu tun hat!

Isidora Dekalo

Isidora Dekalo

Isidora Dekalo is an expert in digital storytelling and is the founder of the Dive into Life blog.

Nick Derutter

Nick Derutter

Nick ist ein PADI-Kursleiter und Unterwasserfotograf.

Sylvie Dias

Sylvie Dias

Sylvie Dias ist eine Synchronsprecherin und Unterwasserfilmerin aus Portugal.

Fabrice Dudenhofer

Fabrice Dudenhofer

Fabrice is a Professional Underwater Photographer & Reporter.

Shelton Du Preez Scubapro Global Dive Team

Shelton Du Preez

Shelton reist um die Welt und fängt die schönsten Arten des Ozeans aus deren Sicht ein.


Herbert & Helma Frei

Helma and Herbert have been diving the world's oceans together since 1973.


Rodrigo Friscione

Rodrigo is a professional underwater photographer, filmmaker, and trip leader for Pelagic Life.


Krasimira Gancheva

Krasimira Gancheva ist eine begeisterte Taucherin aus Bulgarien.


Edwin Gonzalez

Edwin Gonzalez is a divemaster based in Miami, Florida, USA.

Mermaid Kat

Katrin Gray aka Mermaid Kat

Katrin alias Mermaid Kat ist Meerjungfrau und Unterwassermodel.

Sonja Hadler

Sonja Hadler

Sonja arbeitet als Tauchlehrerin und gibt auf Social Media Einblicke in die Unterwasserwelt


Sergio Hanquet

Sergio is an underwater photographer, traveler and writer.


Dr. Richard Harris

Richard is an expert cave diver and explorer. He lives in South Australia and his cave resume includes accomplishments across the globe.

SCUBAPRO Global Dive Team Kira Hartwigsen

Kira Hartwigsen

Kira teilt ihre Leidenschaft für das Tauchen in den sozialen Medien.

Jessica Harvey

Jessica Harvey

Jessica ist eine leidenschaftliche Taucherin, die gerne Sporttauchen und Freitauchen betreibt


Marc Hillesheim

Marc Hillesheim is a photographer and filmmaker, working worldwide for more than two decades.


Moni Hofbauer

In 2009 Moni Hofbauer founded the diving tour company Omneia, which specialises in extraordinary diving safaris from the Red Sea to the Maldives.


Carmelo Isgro’

Founder and Director of MuMa - the Museum of the Sea of ​​Milazzo. Carmelo recovered the skeleton of a 10-ton sperm whale renamed SISO


Udo & Rose Kefrig

Preisgekrönte Fotografen, sowohl in Deutschland als auch weltweit.

Kenzo Kiren

Kenzo Kiren

Kenzo ist ein Filmemacher, der in Cabo San Lucas lebt und eine echte Leidenschaft für alles hat, was mit dem Meer zu tun hat.

Sandra Lopera

Sandra Lopera

 Sandra is an avid dive instructor, conservationist, and educator.

Pau Lorente

Pau Lorente

Pau Lorente ist Content Creator und Tauchlehrer.

Natasha Marosi

Natasha Marosi

Natsha is a Shark Conservationist and Phd Student, currently living in Fiji.

Jean Michel Mille

Jean Michel Mille

French underwater photographer and passionate author working for several diving magazines.

Marion Moriceau

Marion Moriceau

Marion Moriceau ist eine französische Berufstaucherin.

David Mottola

Davide Mottola

Davide Mottola ist Ausbilder für technisches Tauchen, Besitzer einer Tauchbasis und professioneller Fotograf.

Frazier Nivens

Frazier Nivens

Frazier ist Fotograf und Kameramann und lebt in Key Largo, Florida.

Tim Noack

Tim Noack

Tim ist Umweltaktivist und der Gründer von MANTAHARI.

SCUBAPRO Global Dive Team Gabby Shepard (black girl blue world)

Gabby Shepard (Black Girl Blue World)

Gabby nutzt ihre leidenschaftliche Begeisterung für das Tauchen, um andere zu inspirieren, die Unterwasserwelt zu erkunden. 

Jolanda Spronck

Jolanda Spronck

Jolanda Spronck is an active speleologist and can be found on expeditions around the globe.

Annika Ziehen

Annika Ziehen

Annika Ziehen works as a freelance writer and travel blogger for The Midnight Blue Elephant and Travelettes amongst others.