Global Dive Team - Sergio Hanquet
Sergio Hanquet
Location: Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Occupation: I combine my professional life with a small underwater business, cetacean and travel photography (six published books, more than 20 photography exhibitions, expeditions, and reports).
Scuba Diving Since: 1983. The first time I was finning underwater was with the Kamikaze Club in Menton (France).
Favorite Local Dive: Canary Islands
Favorite Dive Location: I have several favorite spots in the north of the island of La Gomera... they are probably the least crowded sea-bottoms of Europe, and still with many dive sites to discover.
An Interview with Sergio Hanquet
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
It seems obvious, but I belong to the generation that grew up with the documentaries of Commander J. Y. Cousteau. Although I was born in Belgium, I moved to Monaco at the age of 17 and that's where the adventure began.
How has diving changed your life?
Since then I have lived on the sea front, initially in Tunisia (North Africa) and in 1986 I settled in the Canary Islands, which did not prevent me from continuing to travel around the world. I live surrounded by the sea, with a spring-like climate all year long and every day I can enjoy my passion, diving. But it is not only diving, probably the most remarkable and rewarding part throughout my career has been the people I have met, the friendships I have made and the stories I have lived.
What kind of diving do you like to do?
Whatever, as long as I have my camera in hand. And yes, I love my dive trips that are centered around projects (books, reports, expeditions).
Tell us about one of the most incredible underwater experiences you've ever had.
In all humility, on this question I think I will fall short... it's many years. With time one realizes that every dive, every encounter is a new and incredible experience: for example, diving with a 16 meter long whale, being surrounded by 200 sharks or trying to take a picture of a seahorse of just 4 cm. A trip to the sea is a blind date, you never know what you are going to find, it's pure magic!
What are you favorite underwater locations?
My favorite places are both underwater and on the surface (a place often forgotten by divers). There is no doubt that the Canary Islands is my favorite place, but who does not get the "hairs on end" remembering trips around the world. My ranking would be: Polynesia, Antarctica, Yucatan, South Africa, Mozambique, Maldives... and wanting to discover: Baja California or for example Ireland far from the crowds and current trends.
What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about diving?
To learn the basic but essential techniques to feel comfortable and safe underwater. Surround yourself with a qualified but above all, passionate team, and share experiences with different colleagues to contrast hobbies and objectives. See, observe and enjoy: there will be time to buy a camera!
What would you tell people about the oceans?
We are just guests, let's enjoy it and respect it.
What does diving mean to you?
Waking up every morning excited to start, consolidate or update a project (a new underwater guide, a book on cetaceans ...), travel to the other side of the world with the concerns of a novice, or simply meet with the 4 usual colleagues to go diving near home and have a post-dive beer.
What does diving mean to you?
Waking up every morning excited to start, consolidate or update a project (a new underwater guide, a book on cetaceans ...), travel to the other side of the world with the concerns of a novice, or simply meet with the 4 usual colleagues to go diving near home and have a post-dive beer.
What products do you like most in your dive bag?
With some nostalgia it would be my SCUBAPRO MARK V regulator with which I started diving and which accompanied me for 3 decades, before it was stolen. That said, every item is a must and SCUBAPRO more than meets all my requirements. The Zoom Mask, with the ability to instantly change lenses, made my eyes happy (never better said). The G2 dive computer captivated me with its simplicity and efficiency.
Follow Sergio on Instagram: @hanquetsergio
Follow Sergio on Facebook: @sergio.hanquet