SCUBAPRO Global Dive Team - Sandra Bessudo
Sandra Bessudo
An Interview with Sandra Bessudo
Tell us about yourself?
I am Franco-Colombian. I was born in Colombia with a Belgium mother and French father and have lived my entire life there. I am the mother of Suani, my 19-year-old son. Thanks to the education received by my parents, nature and the love of animals are part of my vocation as a naturalist, an environmentalist, and a diver with more than 7000 dives in the sea. I love photography and video, especially underwater.
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
When I was 4 years old, I had the chance to free-dive hand in hand with my father. This experience marked my life forever. The colors of the Caribbean angelfish and the shapes and colors of the coral reefs amazed me and piqued my curiosity. At the age of 9, I was able to dive with a diving instructor, my first dive to a depth of 10 meters. That was even more fascinating!
How has diving changed your life?
All in all, diving has become my life: to be able to observe marine species, to study them, to know them, to protect them…my vocation.
What kind of diving do you like to do?
I like to dive in healthy ecosystems, where there are multiple marine species that are not afraid of humans.
If you had to pick one of the most amazing experiences underwater, what would it be?
The day I met a ferocious shark. It was a deep-sea shark of 3.5 to 4 meters long that no one had ever seen or recorded alive. In fact it was a very nice encounter, which made me want to continue to explore the ocean floor and learn more! But all these encounters with big animals, or small ones, always make us happy as divers!
Of your list of accomplishments in your diving career, what are you most proud of?
To have succeeded in getting the Colombian government to declare the island of Malpelo as a Sanctuary of fauna and flora of the National Parks of Colombia, today with a marine size of more than 27.000 Km2. And that this Sanctuary is a World Heritage of Humanity UNESCO site.
Where are some of your favorite places underwater?
Definitely the Wildlife Sanctuary of the Malpelo Island in Colombia, where I have dedicated most of my life, but also many other places that are well preserved such as the Cocos National Park in Costa Rica, the Galapagos Islands (Wolf and Darwin) in Ecuador, Rangiora and other islands in French Polynesia, The Queen's Gardens in Cuba, The Islands of Revillagigedo in Mexico, the list goes on!
What is your advice to someone considering diving?
To prepare with good instructors, and once diving and safety technics been acquired, one only needs to dive, dive, and dive to discover a wonderful world! Once you are a diver, be a responsible diver: be careful not to damage the sea bottom by standing on your fins or touching the corals, don't chase the animals, just let them come to you instead.
Why do you think we should encourage more people to dive?
When we look at the ecosystems and species that live underwater with our own eyes, we can then better protect them. But also, because diving has become the moment for me where I am with myself, and I feel at peace!
What would you tell people about the oceans?
The Ocean is wonderful. It is huge and so very important for life. The ocean produces half of the oxygen we breathe, the ocean feeds us, the ocean connects us, the ocean heals us, the ocean makes us dream.
What is the favorite thing in your dive bag?
The diving bag with everything in it!
Why is SCUBAPRO your choice for dive equipment?
Safety and comfort.
What does diving mean to you?
Its my life, my work, my holidays.
Follow Sandra on Instagram: @sandrabessudo