Global Dive Team - Laura van Loon
Laura van Loon
Location: Curaçao
Occupation: Scuba Instructor
Scuba Diving Since: 2006
Favorite Local Dive: Curaçao

An Interview with Laura van Loon
I am a 28 year old PADI Specialty Instructor, and IDD Master Instructor Trainer (almost Course Director!). I learned to dive when I was 11 years old, in the very cold Netherlands, encouraged by my father. I now live in Curaçao for just under 12 years and got into professional diving in 2018. I started as an independent instructor in 2021, and now happily run a one-woman dive business; “Dive with Laura”, where I get to share my passion for the ocean with my lovely customers.
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
My family and I were planning a first vacation to Curaçao from the Netherlands, in 2007. I have always loved water as a kid, I had all my swimming certifications, snorkeling-, and rescue classes, and just HAD to take this chance of scuba diving with my dad in Caribbean waters. My neighbors at the time were both PADI Instructors and offered me the opportunity to learn from them. We had confined sessions in a local dive community pool, and did open water dives in lakes and the Dutch North Sea. I was a rough student, but I absolutely loved every minute flying and breathing under water.
How has diving changed your life?
Diving has changed my life in a way I could never imagine. I would have never dreamt of taking customers out to see my favorite reefs and marine life, and now this is my full time job! Before moving to the Caribbean I always thought I would be getting into fine arts. After finishing my Bachelors Degree in Dutch law in the island, I went on a different path, and entered the dive community working for a big scale dive resort. Diving has definitely matured me and made me more patient, empathetic for nature (and human beings), and just more appreciative of our world overall.
What kind of diving do you like to do?
I am definitely more fond of warm water diving, rather than cold water as such in the Netherlands. Curaçao has such beautiful and warm crystal clear water, and thus shore diving is very popular. We have vibrant, healthy reefs often just meters from the shore line. I have grown to love diving like this because it can prevent a lot of anxiety and ear issues with any scuba diver, and takes away a lot steps from the planning process. I think the swim out is also part of the fun since tiny seahorses can be found in the sandy shallows.

Tell us about one of the most incredible underwater experiences you've ever had.
There is actually two encounters that went down my logbook as legendary dives. One time I was doing an Advanced Deep dive with a student, and as we are comparing depth gauges, writing down colors, and doing an egg test, she points out something moving on the coral rock bottom. I had never seen a creature like this. It looked like a fire worm, but was way too large to belong to that species! This worm was over 3 meters long (8 feet) and as wide as my upper arm. Its body was purple/reddish with armor-like compartments. It was a creature known as “The Thing”, and is extremely rare! This bobbit worm had the local dive shop completely ecstatic and was only spotted once or twice before. The other encounter was when I finally had the opportunity to witness wild dolphins on the outer sandy platform at Lagun Beach. This is rather rare in Curaçao and I was mesmerized by the size of these mammals.
What are some of your favorite places underwater?
My favorite dive sites in Curaçao are for sure Tugboat Beach, Lagun beach and East Point. I have been diving in Egypt, Hurghada, in 2011, and remember the amazing colors and crisp looking reef. I also went diving in Dubai with my fiancée and visited the deepest pool in the world at Deep Dive Dubai. This was astonishing! They even had music playing underwater and multiple interactive rooms for great photo opportunities. But in the end, anywhere under the surface is perfect.
What is your advice to someone considering diving?
I would advise them to start with a Discover Scuba Dive (DSD) in a calm and stress-free setting. Hopefully they will fall in love with the feeling of weightlessness and visiting this ‘other realm’. If they did love their very first dive, they can continue to get Open Water certified and the DSD can count as dive 1 towards the course! Best advise for them is to stay calm, surrender to your instructor and equipment, trust them, and of course, enjoy your experience!
What would you tell people about the oceans?
I tell them that the ocean is this vast, almost unexplored world, that thanks to scuba diving is now accessible to humankind. Part of my business core values is the awareness and protection of our oceans. I inform customers about plastic pollution threatening our marine ecosystem and the necessity to pick up trash, as well as not mishandling/touching/or harassing underwater life. We should take care of our natural world and it is our responsibility as divers to be underwater ambassadors.

What does diving mean to you?
Diving is meditation, relaxation, enjoyment, silence, and adventure. Scuba diving is a means of escaping reality for a bit and wonder if there is indeed still magic left in the world. As I love water, it will always be a part of me.
What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?
This is a difficult one, for I am very impressed by all of SCUBAPRO’s gear. The Hydros Pro BCD is excellent and sturdy fitting. The Everflex Yulex 3 and 5mm wetsuits are elegant, soft, and easy to glide in to. I think the Seawing Supernova Fins impress me the most. They are sturdy, so very good for currents, beautifully hydrodynamic, and come in lots of color options!
Follow Laura on Social Media:
Facebook: @divewithlauracuracao
Instagram: @laura.van.loon
Tiktok: @divewithlaura