SCUBAPRO Global Deep Elite - Jessica Harvey
Jessica Harvey
Location: Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Occupation: Co-Chairperson and Chief Brand Officer
Scuba Diving Since: 2000
Favorite Local Dive: Macabuca, West Bay, Grand Cayman
Favorite Dive Location: Bloody Bay Wall, Little Cayman
An Interview with
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
Dad always went on amazing expeditions which he would later bring to life through his art. When we were 10 years old, we began formal diving lessons so that we could join him on the advanced diving destinations.
How has diving changed your life?
It’s changed my life in every way. I have a greater appreciation for world around us and diving reminds us that we are only a small part of a massive ecosystem. I use it regularly as a tool to help gather educational content and scientific data in my career as an environmental conservationist.
What kind of diving do you like to do?
I like recreational and free diving. When diving recreationally I mostly use Nitrox to prevent headaches, especially when we do more than 3 dives a day!
Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater?
Oh man. That’s a REALLY TOUGH question. That’s kind of like asking, “What’s your favourite song?”…depends on what you want to see! Being amongst tiger and hammerhead sharks at Tiger Beach is incredible. So is watching a school of hammerheads being cleaned at Cocos Island, Costa Rica. I remember once when we were diving and it suddenly became dark. I looked up…and there was easily a 35ft whale shark cruising above us. What a sight! The dive immediately erupted in bubbles and noises. It was like watching geizers erupt at Yellow Stone National Park! The common thread in all these experiences is that you are overwhelmed by what you have just witnessed, and then you are bursting at the seams to share it with someone else.
Where are some of your favorite places underwater?
There are several dive sites in Jardines de La Reina, Cuba that are spectacular. When we went, the coral was healthy and we saw many large groupers, snappers, cleaning stations, and lots of Caribbean Reef Sharks. It nearly brought my Dad to tears because it reminded him of what Jamaican reefs used to look like when he was a child. Exploring the Great Barrier Reef, I found the giant clams particularly memorable. Locally, Bloody Bay Wall off Little Cayman is one of the best dive sites in the world. There are spots where snorkeling is just as good as diving! As part of the conservation work carried out by the Department of Environment and their partners, I was also fortunate enough to witness the spawning aggregation of Nassau groupers. Diving at 90 feet and surrounded by over 4000 Nassau groupers ready to spawn is hard to beat! My three other favourite places is Stingray City Sandbar, Grand Cayman and the whale shark aggregation in Isla Mujeres, Mexico and Galapagos Islands, Costa Rica.
What is your advice to someone considering diving?
Please explore the ocean! It’s a place to be respected, not feared. There is sooooo much to see, you won’t be able to do it all in a lifetime. To think that you are only experiencing half of your world right now is nuts! Go for it!
What would you tell people about the oceans?
The ocean is responsible for over 50% of the oxygen we breath. It also provides food, jobs, habitat, and resources for marine and terrestrial organisms. Finally, it largely influences and regulates our climate, and its health severely impacts human health.
What does diving mean to you?
Diving to me is a miracle. I will be forever grateful to those pioneers in the diving industry who made it possible for us to breath underwater safely and seamlessly. The ability to dive so freely also brings with it a great deal of responsibility. We have a duty to respect the ocean and it’s inhabitants which should never be taken for granted. Safety protocols should always be followed to protect ourselves and this fragile environment.
What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?
My favourite thing in my dive bag is my dive watch. It keeps me safe and I love being surprised at how far I am from the surface. “Really?....(look up, look back at my watch)…that’s what 60ft down looks like?!” :D
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