Global Dive Team - Jamie Piyada Monmaneerat
Jamie Piyada Monmaneerat
Location: Koh Lanta, Thailand
Occupation: Project Leader, Thailand Manta Project / Dive Instructor / Vegetarian Cafe Owner
Scuba Diving Since: 2011
Favorite Local Dive: Dive sites along the Thai Andaman Sea
Favorite Dive Location: Thailand West Coast, The Anambas, Baa Atoll
An Interview with Jamie Piyada Monmaneerat
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
To me, learning to dive felt like finding a way to come home. I have always had a deep connection with water, especially the oceans. I love all water sports and learning diving was the matter of time. When I took my first breath underwater, my heart was filled with joy! Being able to breathe underwater means more time to spend with my fish friends. A decade later, I still feel that same joy each time I take a stride into the oceans.
How has diving changed your life?
Apart from being able to submerge into my happy place, diving allowed me to realize my passion in marine conservation. This lead me to join the Miss Scuba International competition in 2012, the decision that lead me to where I am today.
What kind of diving do you like to do?
Manta dive, of course! As a manta researcher, each time we see them means a chance to better understand them, more data to have so we can better protect them. As Jamie, being able to observe and being observed by such magnificent species is an indescribable and life changing experience. The kind that I will never get tired nor have enough of.
Tell us about one of the most incredible underwater experiences you've ever had.
One sunset dive in one of my favorite local spots. Three colleagues, one whale shark and no one else around. A humbling experience which reminded me of how peaceful and beautiful things can be when respect is given to the other being in front of you.
What are some of your favorite places underwater?
The Thai Andaman Sea, I am very lucky to be able to have this as my home and office. Baa Atoll will always have a special place in my heart as well.
What is your advice to someone considering diving?
Go for it! Diving can open up the whole new world for you. The world where you can become weightless but moving, peaceful while so many things are happening around you. Experiencing the underwater world might change your view of the world above, as well as the way you live. Go on and give it a try!
What would you tell people about the oceans?
We are called “the blue planet” for a reason. Without healthy oceans we too won’t survive. Enjoy exploring the oceans, have fun, but don’t forget to do your part in protecting them as well. YOU are part of the solutions to many problems our planet is facing. Let’s make a difference one dive at a time.
What does diving mean to you?
It’s my way of life. It has been providing me with a career, hobby, passion and community. I am living the dream I dreamt of because of diving.
What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?
I love my whole dive gear! But if I have to choose - mask, fins & dive computer. Having these items ensures a more pleasant and safer dive for me.
Follow Jamie on Social Media:
Facebook: @jamiemissscuba
Instagram: @thailandmantaproject