Global Dive Team - Jami Leslie Feldman
Jami Leslie Feldman
Location: San Diego, CA
Occupation: Operations & Media Manager, Underwater Photographer
Scuba Diving Since: 2008
Favorite Local Dive: Point Loma Kelp Forest
Favorite Dive Location: Channel Islands and Mexico
An Interview with Jami Leslie Feldman
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
I decided on a whim to join a friend who wanted to do a discover scuba class while we were in Maui, Hawaii. As soon as we dropped down and I saw turtles everywhere, I knew I was hooked. I started researching certification classes as soon as we got back. I couldn’t stop thinking about this whole other world to explore! And there was nothing like that feeling of floating through such a magical place.
How has diving changed your life?
It became my peace, and my happy place. I felt like I finally found myself. It’s also how I met my husband. He even proposed underwater on a dive in Catalina!
What kind of diving do you like to do?
I love cold water diving. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll never turn down warm water dives! But there’s something special about the cold water and the life that thrives in it. Limited visibility makes you appreciate those rare clear days so much more. Macro photography in the muck makes you see so much more detail than you ever knew existed before.
Tell us about one of the most incredible underwater experiences you've ever had.
The one that stands out right now happened in the fall of 2019. I was out at Catalina with my husband and friends and took the opportunity to dive Ship Rock while they hunted from above. It was the first time conditions were calm enough for me to dive here, and I was excited to check it out. I descended and slowly followed the sloping rock down while exploring under kelp and in crevices. Visibility wasn’t great for Catalina, maybe 20-25 ft with haze and a lot of particulates in the water. Since I was solo diving, I turn and check my surroundings more often than normal. At one of my turns, around 70 feet deep, the unmistakable grin of a great white shark appeared just at the edge of visibility, and it was slowly swimming towards me. The second our eyes met, it turned and slowly swam off into the deep. I never felt threatened but was still freaking out on the inside on how incredible this encounter was. I knew the shark was too far from me to get a photo with all the particulates in the water column, but I managed to get the GoPro on for some proof footage. It was determined later that it was about a 13-14 foot great white shark! Shortly after that dive, we found out that I was a few weeks pregnant with our son at the time of my shark encounter. We now tell him he has already swam with a great white! It also made me wonder if the shark sensed the second heartbeat as well and that’s what made it so curious to come check me out? It’s an experience I’ll never forget!
What are some of your favorite places underwater?
The kelp forests never get old for me. And I love that we have them in San Diego so I can get my kelp fix whenever I want, conditions permitting of course. Something about those sparkling rays of light peeking through the glowing kelp canopy gets me every time. I also love pupping season at the Coronado Islands. How can you not adore being swarmed with cute sea lion pups!
What is your advice to someone considering diving?
Don’t rush training, go at your own pace. And if you’re passionate about it, don’t give up. Coming from a 2008 open water diver that was a hot mess! I really struggled in my first open water classes, but I was determined. I found a training center that was very patient with me, and I continued my dive education all the way through to Divemaster just to learn more and gain experience. I went diving with my instructors every chance I got to practice. But even with experience, remember to never underestimate the power of the ocean either. Always be humble and remember the basics for safety.
What would you tell people about the oceans?
I want people to know about this other world that needs to be protected. I love telling stories through photographs and video. Trying to capture imagery that sparks the soul, maybe make you laugh, and hope that it inspires and educates future generations to continue the fight to protect the ocean.
What does diving mean to you?
It’s my sanity, my creative outlet, and my passion. It’s where I go to regain clarity.
What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?
My camera! I never dive without one.
Follow Jami on Social Media:
Facebook: @uwpaparazzi
Instagram: @underwaterpaparazzi
Tik Tok: @underwaterpaparazzi
YouTube: @underwaterpaparazzi