Scubapro Global Dive Team - Erin & Deano Cook
Deano & Erin Cook
Name: Erin Cook
Location: Atl, GA and Jensen Bch, FL
Occupation: Fitness Instructor & Underwater Photographer
Scuba Diving Since: 2011
Favorite Local Dive: Jupiter, West Palm
Favorite Dive Location: Bahamas
Name: Deano Cook
Location: Atl, GA and Jensen Bch, FL
Occupation: Artist & Photographer
Scuba Diving Since: 195
Favorite Local Dive: West Palm
Favorite Dive Location: Bahamas
An Interview with Deano & Erin Cook
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
Erin: Growing up in FL I’ve always had a love for the ocean. And then I met Deano and the ocean became a fascination. I was certified in the Bahamas surrounded by a dozen or more reef sharks and I’ve never looked back.
Deano: For me, I never made the decision as much as I answered a calling from my soul. When I was a child my room was decorated with photos and magazine clippings of the ocean and divers to inspire me to one day be like them.
How has diving changed your life?
Erin: I never knew how much I needed the ocean until I actually went below the surface. No phones, no computers, no talking - just existing. Listening to the sounds, watching the animals move effortlessly and peacefully coexisting, controlling my breathing and embracing a place of meditation.
Deano: It’s given me access to the underwater world in which I derive inspiration for my creative process.
What kind of diving do you like to do?
Erin: Definitely warm water diving! I get very cold very quickly so if the water isn’t 78 or warmer, I’m usually in a 3-5mm wetsuit still surfacing with purple lips.
Deano: Big animals and with a purpose. Meaning, I target patterns and behaviors that occur seasonally and annually. My focus is usually sharks and turtles, but I’m fascinated and intrigued by all marine life.
Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater?
Erin: I’m fortunate to have had many amazing experiences diving, but my most important and memorable dive to date was my husband, Deano proposing to me at Tiger Beach surrounded by our fin friends.
Deano: An immediate story that comes to mind is a trip to Tiger Beach. My friends decided to take a break for lunch so I stayed behind to let the water settle from the other divers. The weather and water conditions were picture perfect and before I knew I was surrounded by 6 tigers and 1 Great hammerhead. For about an hour they circled me inquisitively and we interacted safely enabling me to get some of the best shots I feel I’ve taken to date. In fact, the hammerhead images are used at the Georgia Aquarium’s new shark exhibit.
What are some of your favorite places underwater?
Erin: The Bahamas is near and dear to me for many reasons. Any island, especially the southern islands, are my favorite. There’s no water on this earth like the Bahamian crystal blue. The diversity in marine life, prolific coral reef systems… I could dive there forever and never feel like I’m missing out.
Deano: Some of my favorite places to dive are the Bahamas, Hawaii and Isla Mujeres.
What is your advice to someone considering diving?
Erin: Find a reputable dive shop, choose a certifying agency that’s best for you and never skimp on dive equipment. I depend on Scubapro because I can trust my life depending on it.
Deano: After first doing what I feel is the obvious, getting the best professional training, new divers should invest in the best gear on the market, Scubapro. Your life literally depends on it. Then, learn proper dive etiquette and environmental do’s and don’ts.
What would you tell people about the oceans?
Erin: We have to do what we can to protect our oceans. With technology today, mine and my husbands hope is that through our photography, videography and his beautiful artwork we will spark interest in at least one person to want to know more, explore more and help spread the word that every living being needs our oceans healthy and thriving.
Deano: The oceans need our help and stewardship. They are the lifeline to our planet and humanity.
What does diving mean to you?
Erin: To me, diving is a place of escape and exploration. When I hit the water and start to descend all my stresses stay at the surface. Diving to new depths, exploring reef systems, observing large sharks move gracefully through the water, staying in tune with my Scubapro equipment, diving opens my senses on a whole new level.
Deano: It means I’m able to connect with and directly experience the underwater world.
What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?
Erin: My SCUBAPRO X-Ti dive regulator with a swivel connector is the bomb. It breathes easy and allows for maximum range of motion during my dive which is especially important as a photographer.
Deano: My SCUBAPRO S-TEK BC because it’s less cumbersome and bulky giving me full range of motion to operate my camera equipment. The backplate helps make the setup comfortable.
Follow Erin and Deano on Social Media:
Erin Cook
- Facbeook - @sharkgirlfitness
- Instagram - @sharkgirlfitness
Deano Cook
- Facbeook - @deanocook
- Instagram - @deanocook
- Tik Tok - @deanocook