Global Dive Team - Rose & Udo Kefrig
Udo & Rose Kefrig
Location: Lotte/Büren, Germany
Occupation: Professional Underwater Photographer & Author
Scuba Diving Since: Udo 1976 - Rose 1980
Favorite Local Dive: We are huge fans of "The Pearl of the North", a challenging dive site located almost on our doorstep: the chalk lake Hemmoor situated between Cuxhaven and Stade.
Favorite Dive Location: On the Mainland Zakynthos, Limni Keri, Greek and as a Safari the “Amira” in Indonesia
An Interview with Udo Kefrig
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
I loved "Sea Hunt" with Mike Nelson, never missing a single episode. Back then, I had only one wish: "To become a diver, to find hidden treasures and experience adventures. I want to jump off bridges into rivers and snorkel in lakes". I made my wish come true years later and completed my scuba diving certification. During each dive, l used to reflect on my role model but the foundation for my "career" as a UW photographer was laid at a depth of three metres on Lake Toplitz. Following a very deep dive back in August 1984 - we, Gerhard Zauner and I, were again in search of the legendary treasure in Lake Toplitz. During the deco stop, bored out of our minds as we breathed off our nitrogen (back then we still dived according to the 90th rules (Galileo didn't exist)), a juvenile pike wouldn't leave us alone, it seemed as if he wanted to do some rebreathing with Gerhard. So, I grabbed the camera I had borrowed to photograph our treasure (I had no idea about photography at the time) and took a few shots that I thought were good at the time. This resulted in 1st place in the DUC Boot 1985 photo competition, freshwater category. From then on, I only travelled with my camera. Rose shares my underwater passion - and together we dive into adventures.
How has diving changed your life?
Scuba diving has become part of our lives and has had a big impact on us. We recharge our batteries, have fun, and observe with curiosity the complexity and intricate details of the coral reef and its inhabitants.
What kind of diving do you like to do?
Wrecks, reefs and dives with plenty of variety - all with a camera.
Where are some of your favorite places underwater?
Too many to name.
What is your advice to someone considering diving?
Don’t wait. You are never too old to experience the Deep Blue.
What would you tell people about the oceans?
We would like to spread the word that the ocean is vital for our life. It helps us breathe. We are talking about Phytoplankton here, a tiny plant like organism that lives in the sea and is responsible for nearly 50% of the oxygen on our mother earth. If all the plankton would vanish, the level of carbon in our air would rise, accelerating climate change.
What does diving mean to you?
Freedom and Adventure.
What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?
My cameras and Seacam housing and Rose’s is her Scubapro Bella Jacket.
Visit Udo & Rose's Website: www.oceanpics.de
Follow Udo & Rose on Facbeook: Ocean Pics