Global Dive Team - Reyna Amezcua
Reyna Amezcua
Location: Cancún, México
Occupation: Commercial Manager and Diver
Scuba Diving Since: 2017
Favorite Local Dive: Bull Shark Dive in Playa Del Carmen
Favorite Dive Location: Mexico Cenotes
An Interview with Reyna Amezcua
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
I´ve always been an ocean lover. Before becoming a scuba diver, I had a lot of anxiety and stress from my job. I would always think about this love for the beach, the waves, and the salty life my dad had showed me since I was a baby until one day I decided to quit my job. My destiny became clear when on the same day a friend called and invited me to work as a snorkel guide. It wasn’t long before I had my first scuba diving experience. I was calm and peaceful as soon as I entered the water and was amazed by the underwater world. I took of my heels and opted to be barefoot forever.
How has diving changed your life?
Living near the ocean provides me the right thoughts and ability to take the right actions to make a better world. Being a diver it´s a lifestyle. I found good friends, the best experiences ever, incredible places, and this silence that constantly shows you all things that really matter in life. Happiness has never been closer..
What kind of diving do you like to do?
I started like everybody with my OW course and then traveled and dived around México for a while. I really love the ocean but when it comes to fun I prefer cavern dives and cave dives.
Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater?
We were looking for manatees in Xcalak as a dream from our bucket list, doing some dives before in Chinchorro and Mahahual. People told us that they didn’t see any manatees during the previous week, so we were expecting bad visibility and no manatees. The captain of the small boat took us to “LA POZA” and we went down. At 83ft and just 5 minutes into the dive we saw a shadow and soon had 3 manatees in front of our faces. They were calm as if they had been waiting for us. My friends and I felt the happiness of not expecting anything and then being surprised with everything you’ve wished for.
Where are some of your favorite places underwater?
The Cenotes of course, La Paz and Cabo Pulmo in Baja California, Cozumel, Cancun, and Cozumel again.
What would you tell people about the oceans?
Oceans need our help, our respect, our time, and our actions. We are at a critical point and it´s not just about preventing more damage, it´s about restoration of all the damages we´ve been doing. All of our actions matter.
What does diving mean to you?
Diving is all the possibilities. It means life and freedom!
What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?
This is a hard question but if I have to choose, I will go with my MK19/G260 Carbon BT regulator. I think they are perfection for a regulator.
Follow Reyna on Instagram: @azulreina.88