Global Dive Team - Meggy Diving
Malgorzata Czupajlo (Meggy)
Location: Olesno, Poland/Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Occupation: Law student, Pianist, Filmmaker, Photographer
Scuba Diving Since: 2019
Favorite Local Dive: Dive4Life in Siegburg & Lake Kreidesee in Hemmoor, Germany
Favorite Dive Location: Indonesia & Maldives
An Interview with Maokodive
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
Meggy: I decided to take this step after watching Marcin's films from his dives. I was very fascinated by this mysterious world and it became my dream to also be able to admire and discover it.
How has diving changed your life?
Meggy: Diving has changed my life completely. To be able to experience what other people do underwater is something amazing. I have been a vegetarian for a few years now, but since I started diving with these beautiful creatures, I have also given up eating all creatures which live in the water. Furthermore, I love taking pictures and videos. Thanks to diving, I can also vent my creativity underwater.
What kind of diving do you like to do?
Meggy: I love every dive. In warm waters as well as in cold waters where we can discover many interesting places.
Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater?
Meggy: My unforgettable experience was my first cold water dive in a lake. I remember my first breath in the lake, a breath that I couldn't really take. I thought then that this is the end of my diving and I will have to say goodbye to diving in cold water. But that was just the first shock, the second breath was enjoyable and I loved that first dive in the lake.
Where are some of your favorite places underwater?
Meggy: My favorite places are the Maldives, Lake Kreidesee in Hemmoor (Germany) and Dive4Life in Siegburg (Germany).
What is your advice to someone considering diving?
Meggy: Don’t think about it too long, take the first step as soon as you can. It is very important that diving is a passion. I always say that if we do something, let's do it 100%. Safety is a prerequisite and respect for the environment underwater is incredibly important.
What would you tell people about the oceans?
Meggy: The oceans are a never-ending story. It is very important that we look after our oceans and keep them clean. Together we can do that so they can stay full of life.
What does diving mean to you?
Meggy: For me diving is a moment of silence, admiring what I see underwater. I delight in every second. Thanks to diving I can admire many wonderful places, explore what is unknown to me, and have a good time with friends other divers.
What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?
Meggy: I really like all of the Scubapro stuff and so it's hard to decide on just one :). Every single thing is my favorite and one of a kind. For me dive gear is something special because my life depends on it.
Follow Meggy on Instagram or Facebook.