Global Deep Elite Dive Team - Dr. Austin Gallagher
Dr. Austin Gallagher
Location: Washington DC, USA / North America
Occupation: CEO, Beneath the Waves
Scuba Diving Since: 2000
Favorite Local Dive: Southwest Reef, Nassau, The Bahamas
Favorite Dive Location: Turks and Caicos
An Interview with Dr. Austin Gallagher
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
Ever since I was a young child, I have been fascinated by the oceans. Donning scuba equipment was always the most obvious way to truly experience the ocean, and an early immersion through diving has allowed me to develop a career in the ocean space which I have always dreamed about.
How has diving changed your life?
Diving has gotten me close to sharks – the very animals I study and working to protect. Being able to breathe underwater and share space with these incredible predators has greatly enhanced my ability to understand them and advance my science and conservation. Along the way, there have also been several memorable experiences with marine life that have reinforced my passions and career choice.
What kind of diving do you like to do?
The vast majority of my diving is professional, in that I am usually diving for research with some sort of scientific objective or for a film/TV shoot. These usually include the installation or maintenance of research equipment such as shark or weather monitoring devices, or a dive to collect samples from sharks or the actual seafloor itself. I also spend a lot of time diving for media purposes, working closely with Discovery Channel’s Shark Week and other media partners.
Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater?
My first time diving at Tiger Beach, in The Bahamas, was truly mind-blowing. Sharing space with tiger sharks can be a daunting experience, especially for the first time, and in 2010 I was fortunate to have my first experience doing just this. While most of the dive sites at Tiger Beach are indeed shallow, in less than 25 feet of water, on this first dive we dove a near reef in about 50 feet. I was one of the first in, as the dive was designed to mostly serve as a check-out and confidence builder at the start of the trip. As I settled in at the bottom and adjusted my camera, a 12 foot female tiger shark slowly approached me head on. We locked eyes – my mind was blown.
Where are some of your favorite places underwater?
The Caribbean has been my playground when it comes to diving, for most of my life. Every place in the Caribbean usually has a few truly remarkable dive spots, and it takes working with local experts and naturalists to seek them out. For me – my favorite places are those where sharks are healthy and abundant.
What is your advice to someone considering diving?
Just do it! The sport is always advancing and developing, but in reality it is a very safe activity and will change your entire perspective on the ocean.
What would you tell people about the oceans?
Since the majority of our planet is ocean, there is no other planet like it in the galaxy. The oceans are the true life line for Earth and for our species, and it is up to us to try our best to protect it, and ensure future generations can continue to benefit from and enjoy our ocean.
What does diving mean to you?
Diving to me is an escape from the stressors of daily life. When I slip underwater, I am locked in to the moment and present; it removes any and all unnecessary noise. In essence, diving is meditation (although sometimes I am working when I am diving!).
What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?
My regulator. The reg is the connection to the ocean, as it gives you the chance to breathe underwater.
Follow Dr. Austin Gallagher on Instagram: @draustingallagher and @btwaves
Follow Dr. Austin Gallagher on Facebook: Austin Gallagher, Ph.D. and Beneath the Waves Nonprofit Organization
Follow Dr. Austin Gallagher on Twitter: @DrAustinG and @beneaththewaves
Subscribe to Dr. Austin Gallagher's YouTube Channel: @beneaththewaves