Mine Diving Nuttlar

Dealer website:   Tauchschule Sauerland

GPS icon  Mine Diving, Nuttlar

Which is the best diving spot near you?

  • Mine Diving Nuttlar.

What is there? What is special to experience there?

  • It is a flooded mine, with a total of 12 km of flooded section. Underwater you can still see all the hardware that the workers used to mine the slate.

When is the best time to dive there?

  • From April to mid-November.

What equipment do you recommend for the dive? 

  • dry suit. For scuba divers who are not sensitive to the cold, a well-fitting wet suit is sufficient.

How to get to the dive spot?

  • shore dive.

Would you recommend a guide?

  • Yes.

What courses can I do with you? How can the diver best contact you?