Tauchbasis Schwerelos

Dive Center Weightless

Dealer website:   Dive Center Weightless

GPS icon  Haussee, Ingolstadt

Which is the best diving spot near you?

  • Our secret lake with great visibility (10m deep, 10m visibility).

What is there? What is special to experience there?

  • A small wreck we sunk, perch, many pike, in between the visit of the big zander, amphipods, a few tench, zebra mussels etc. Night dives are very eventful there.

When is the best time to dive there?

  • All year round, between October and May mostly with a dry suit. This year in September-October the visibility was absolutely gigantic.



What equipment do you recommend for the dive? 

  • Recommended almost all year round 7mm, semi-dry (as well as with us in the rental). Between October and May we usually dive there with dry suits. In summer the lake has up to 25 degrees and is also for the brave to dive in 5mm.

How to get to the dive spot?

  • shore dive. It is of course recommended to travel in carpools. Two entries possible.

Would you recommend a guide?

  • One of our local diving instructors or divemasters is worthwhile for initial explorations. Also to find the wreck. In general, however, the lake is easy to dive without a guide in terms of navigation

What courses can I do with you? How can the diver best contact you?

  • We offer beginner and advanced training, any special certification as well as tec courses up to trimix (padi & sub international). Since this year we also offer apnea courses and instructor training as Padi IDC Center. In our house lake everything is possible except for a deep dive course.
  • Contact via info@auchbasis-schwerelos.de or the  website