Baggersee Diez

Dealer website:   Aquanaut

GPS icon  Excavation lake Diez, Limburg


Which is the best diving spot near you?

  • The quarry pond Diez near Limburg.

What is there? What is special to experience there?

  • In addition to various freshwater fish, there are also sturgeons, catfish and crabs. Also various U/W attractions such as car wrecks, a house, platforms, tubes, etc. The lake is also ideal for diving training.

When is the best time to dive there?

  • High season is from the beginning of April to the end of October. It is open on weekends. Only limited in the winter months.

What equipment do you recommend for the dive? 

  • Depending on the season, dry suits up to 7mm wet suits.

How to get to the dive spot?

  • Entry from the shore. Transport trolleys are available for the equipment.

Would you recommend a guide?

  • Not necessary. The lake is suitable for beginners.

What courses can I do with you? How can the diver best contact you?






Photos: Gerald Gollnick