Global Dive Team - Sandra Lopera
Sandra Lopera
Location: Colombia
Occupation: Master Scuba Diving Instructor
Scuba Diving Since: 1995
Favorite Local Dive: Old Providence Island, Colombia
Favorite Dive Location: Raja Ampat, Indonesia
An Interview with Sandra Lopera
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
I grew up in that moment when the Captain Planet, Jacques Cousteau, was the most important ocean researcher and explorer. This seeded the idea of living closer to the sea even though my city was far from it, and when the time came, I decided to become more than a regular diver and instructor. Inspired by the underwater world presented by the Captain, I set my mind to the great challenge of also becoming an ocean protector, teaching my divers that our actions are connected to the ocean – even up in the mountains.
How has diving changed your life?
Diving split my life in two moments: the time before diving, when I used to feel uncomfortable with everything I did, and the time after becoming a diver, when I began to really enjoy even the simplest things like smelling the breeze, sunshine on the beach, and the blue colors of the ocean.
What kind of diving do you like to do?
I enjoy diving that allows me to promote ocean conservation, from picking up trash on dives to educating students about how the ocean impacts the weather. I have always thought that diving is not just going to see fish and other incredible animals as a recreational diver, but a way to get involved and to become a torchbearer for conservation. Through this, the ocean helps us enjoy the most important and meaningful moments of our life.
Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater?
OIn the middle of the 90’s, I had the most important encounter in my life. I saw the largest fish in the ocean - a whale shark. I cannot forget the moment in which I saw it: elegant, majestic, and delicate, swimming slowly. In that moment, I realized we are very small in a world of giants, submerged in a spectacular world full of amazing life.
Where are some of your favorite places underwater?
Although the ocean is full of amazing places to dive, I have three favorite locations. 1) The isolated Old Providence Island in the Colombian Caribbean, which is full of multicolor underwater life. 2) Gorgona Island on the Colombian Pacific coast, with its big animals located on the migration path of humpback whales. 3) And finally, the distant Raja Ampat, Indonesia, which is diverse, mysterious, and distant, full of diverse marine life.
What is your advice to someone considering diving?
Diving allows us to return our focus to the ocean. It feels natural as we get comfortable and begin to learn about life under the waves. The famous saying “we take care of what we know” is true for the ocean, and as scuba divers we quickly begin appreciating and protecting our ocean.
What would you tell people about the oceans?
Oceans are our past, present and future. They deserve attention because they are responsible for life on earth. We have to take care of the oceans and to protect them because we do not have Plan B to replace them.
What does diving mean to you?
Life and connection with our ocean planet. Diving feels like being born again with every immersion.
What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?
I will never forget my different colored fins and using the bag they’re sold in for collecting underwater solid garbage.
Follow Sandra on Instagram @divedreamscol
Follow Sandra on Facebook @divedreamsbuceo
Sandra's Website: divedreams.co