Global Dive Team - Richy Richard Bichler

Richy Richard Bichler

Location: Mühlhausen, Germany

Occupation: Professional Underwater Photographer & Business Consultant 

Scuba Diving Since: 1984

Favorite Local Dive: Not yet one in Germany

Favorite Dive Location: Socorro, Galapagos and Pacific


Richy Bichler


An Interview with Richy Richard Bichler


Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?

To show everyone how beautiful our oceans are.


How has diving changed your life?

I live more sustainably and enjoy every moment I get to spend on or in the ocean.


What kind of diving do you like to do?

Diving with sharks!


Richy Bichler


Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater?

Getting to drift with 700 grey reef sharks.


Where are some of your favorite places underwater?

French Polynesia.


What is your advice to someone considering diving?

Do it and enjoy any time underwater to get away from the fast-paced world for a moment.


What would you tell people about the oceans?

Don't just look after our oceans, fight for them.


Richy Bichler


What does diving mean to you?

Fascination of what I'll discover next.

What's your favourite thing in your dive bag?

My Hydros Pro w/ Air 2


Follow Richy on Instagram: @richyssharkadventures

Add Richy on Facebook: Richy's Shark Adventures