Global Dive Team - Justin Packshaw

Justin Packshaw

Location: London & Malta

Occupation: Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Explorer

Scuba Diving Since: 1978

Favorite Local Dive: Gozo, Malta

Favorite Dive Location: Sangalaki, Borneo


Justin Packshaw


An Interview with Justin Packshaw

Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans? 

I grew up on a beautiful island in the Mediterranean called Malta so was messing around in the water almost before I could walk. This started a lifelong love affair with all things to do with the sea, whether on-top-of it or exploring all the exquisite wonders beneath it. 

How has diving changed your life? 

Right from the beginning diving opened my eyes to the brilliance of exploring; of being curious; of being respectful and it gave me an insight into the delicate balance that exists in the extraordinary ecosystems that are our oceans. It is life affirming and life enhancing. Every time I surface from a dive, I feel that my mind has been on a magnificent sensory overload, and I have that wonderful feeling of awe, contentment and I feel totally recalibrated

Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater? 

I’ve had many, but diving with Leopard seals in South Georgia has got to be up there. It was an incredible day which I was slightly apprehensive about as I was in the water on my own and they can be territorial and unpredictable. As it turned out it was all fine and I had the most memorable dive with these majestic creatures.


Justin Packshaw


Where are some of your favorite places underwater? 

To be honest, whenever I’m underwater I’m there!

What is your advice to someone considering diving? 

Get started as it will open your eyes to the most spectacular new world of opportunity, kinship, enjoyment and wonderment. Your mind will constantly be loaded with amazing experiences the underwater world has to offer, from exploring historic shipwrecks, getting up-close and personal with mesmerizing marine life. Find Nemo, venture into caverns and browse in underwater museums. It is all just phenomenal.

Justin Packshaw


What would you tell people about the oceans? 

That we all need to get involved, link arms and create a global movement to protect, restore and bring our oceans back to a healthy and flourishing equilibrium. This is not an impossible task but we need to act now, from Policy makers right the way down to you and I. Let’s all strive for a healthy Blue Planet.

What does diving mean to you?


What's your favorite thing in your dive bag? 

My Scubapro G2 Dive Computer but to be honest I have been using Scubapro equipment for over thirty years now and their attention to detail, professionalism and passion for all that they do is second to none.


Follow Justin on Instagram: @justinpackshaw

Follow Justin on Facebook: Justin Packshaw