SCUBAPRO Global Dive Team - Edwin Gonzalez

Location: Miami, Florida

Occupation: Divemaster

Scuba Diving Since: 2009

Favorite Local Dive: USS Spiegel Grove: Key Largo, Fl.

Favorite Dive Location: Galapagos Islands



An Interview with Edwin Gonzalez

Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?

My older sister and brother-in-law influenced me since they were diving in Roatan before I was old enough to start myself. Being surrounded by scuba divers opened my curiosity about the ocean. As soon as I had the chance to get certified myself, I traveled to Utila, since I am Honduran, to start my adventure in discovering the underwater world, and I have not stopped diving since then.

How has diving changed your life?

Diving has given me a purpose. My goal in life is to share with as many people as possible the beauty if the underwater world. Our oceans, rivers and lakes are some of the most beautiful and biodiverse ecosystems in the world and by sharing stories about them I inspire people to take care of them because “you only protect of what you love” - Jacque-Yves Cousteau.

What kind of diving do you like to do?

Being based in Miami I am lucky to have the third largest coral barrier reef system in the world on my back yard. South Florida has some of the best reefs and wrecks in the world, but my favorite diving is with big fauna, especially sharks.

Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater?

On a safety stop at Darwin Island in Galapagos, we were just relaxing while waiting for the 3 minutes to pass when we had the most incredible 30ft whale shark casually swimming towards us. She swam slowly right next to us, unbothered and unafraid. These types of experiences give me perspective on the ocean, and it is also humbling to see the largest fish in the world being so delicate and polite to us divers.

Where are some of your favorite places underwater?

Key Largo, Fl. (Molasses Reef and the USS Spiegle Grove) Jupiter, Fl. (Sharks) Bimini, Bahamas Galapagos Islands (Wolf and Darwin Islands)

What is your advice to someone considering diving?

Just do it – the ocean needs you. Learn to dive but also take the opportunity to become an advocate for its protection and give our oceans, rivers, and lakes a voice.

What would you tell people about the oceans?

It heals everything – creating a connection with the ocean will give you peace and will a new sense to your life. Give the ocean an opportunity and I promise it will change your life.

What does diving mean to you?

Diving is everything. Without diving I am lost, and I intend to share diving with everyone around me to create and strengthen communities that are connected for their love of the water and life.

What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?

My Gorilla Frameless Dive Mask is the most comfortable mask ever!


Social Media links:

Instagram: @edwin.everywhere

Facebook : @edwin.everywhere