Global Dive Team - Shelton Du Preez
Shelton Du Preez
Location: Worldwide
Occupation: Underwater and Expedition Cameraman
Scuba Diving Since: 2005
Favorite Dive Location: Fakarava South Pass, Tuamotus, French Polynesia
An Interview with Shelton Du Preez
Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?
I feel like the decision was made for me. As far as I can remember, I was in the ocean in front of my home in South Africa. I grew up swimming, surfing, snorkeling, freediving, and spearfishing, and eventually became scuba certified on my 16th birthday. It was a natural progression for me to further explore the world of the oceans and its inhabitants.
How has diving changed your life?
There is no doubt that diving has shaped my life in every way, and the majority of the last 15 years have been spent at sea, living and working on privately owned yachts and other vessels. Diving has always been an extension of that life, and it is now fully integrated into my career as an underwater cameraman.
What kind of diving do you like to do?
Something that provides a great story, whether it's warm or cold, and whether the fauna is mega or mini. I am always happy when diving in a place that imparts new knowledge.
Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater?
That's a tough question! The first location that comes to mind is Fakarava, an island in the Tuamotus. The south pass there is famous for its shark dive, where one can witness hundreds of grey reef, white tip reef, and black tip reef sharks in their natural habitat without any baiting. To observe their true behavior, diving under the cover of night is essential. With only a dive torch to illuminate the surroundings, you'll find yourself surrounded by sharks as they hunt in packs, working together to flush out small reef fish.
Where are some of your favorite places underwater?
I might be biased, but the diving along the east coast of South Africa, especially toward Mozambique, holds a special place in my heart. It's an excellent all-around dive destination with warm, clear water, abundant big fish schools, and exciting mega fauna. And, you're in Africa! However, in my opinion, nowhere beats the Galapagos when it comes to sheer diversity of life in a condensed location. In some areas, it's not uncommon to spot enormous schools of fish, turtles, eagle rays, yellow fin tuna, hammerhead sharks, Galapagos sharks, huge moray eels, penguins, sea lions, sunfish, and if you're lucky even whale sharks or orcas. It's simply incredible!
What is your advice to someone considering diving?
Go for it and turn it into a trip! Chose a fun destination and fully enjoy the process either alone or with a friend? It opens up a bunch of ideas for destinations, allows you to meet like-minded individuals, and adds purpose and direction to your travels. Plus, you get to explore a completely new ecosystem!
What would you tell people about the oceans?
I would tell them oceans are not just a collection of resources but also a source of wonder and inspiration for people all around the world. They are shrouded in mystery and secrets. Although we don't live in the ocean, we cannot live without it. Therefore, we have a responsibility to treat it with respect and maintain its health through our appreciation and actions.
What does diving mean to you?
Diving or just being in the water, in general, gives me the feeling of being home. It leaves me with a sense that I'm in the right place. The underwater life, the vastness of space, and the mystery of it all create an entirely different world without our world. It's like visiting an alien planet for an hour, and I think most people would say yes to that opportunity.
What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?
The right set of fins is crucial for underwater camera work. Proper positioning and hovering are essential for nailing the shot at the right time. After discovering the Scubapro Seawing Nova with its lightweight, powerful, and sleek design, I can confidently say that I'll never need another set of fins.
Follow Shelton on Instagram: @sheltondupreez