SCUBAPRO Global Deep Elite - Patxi Pastor

Patxi Pastor

Location: Key Largo, Florida

Occupation: Founder, Charman & CEO, Celebration of the Sea Foundation

Scuba Diving Since: 1977

Favorite Local Dive: Florida Keys

Favorite Dive Location: Sea of Cortez


Patxi Pastor, Scubapro Deep Elite

An Interview with Patxi Pastor

Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?

I fell in love with the oceans as a young boy off the Mediterranean coast of Spain and was fascinated with diving after becoming a fan of Jacque Cousteau and following all of his adventures with his crew aboard the Calypso through his TV shows. 

How has diving changed your life?

It gave me a true appreciation of the wonders of the ocean and the incredible animals that call it home. Over the past 40 years diving all over the world I remain passionate about the need for all of us to do everything we can to help protect that oceans and raise the next generation of Ocean Ambassadors. 

What kind of diving do you like to do?

I treasure large animal encounters such as whales, dolphins, sharks, manatees, whale sharks, manta rays and sea lions. 

Patxi Pastor, Scubapro Deep Elite


Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater?

Many years ago I had a group of students with me on a large live aboard and was taking them diving throughout the Bahamas when we came upon and mother whale and her calf off the coast of Abaco. We were very far off shore in extremely deep water so I went alone with my camera and had an incredible encounter with them and was able to get wonderful footage before they decided to dive into the deep abyss right in front of me. I watched them dive slowly down until they disappeared into the deep blue depths. It was like a dream. 

Where are some of your favorite places underwater?

The Sea of Cortez and the Channel Islands are some of my favorites. The visibility in the Sea of Cortez is limited at times but the enormous concentration of whales, dolphins, sea lions, sharks, mantas and extraordinary diversity of fish is spectacular. The Channel Islands is "chilly plunge" for sure but the kelp bed forests are rich with sea lions, sharks, garibaldi and octopus always provide a "Hollywood set" type experience to dive in. 

What is your advice to someone considering diving?

As Nike says..."Just do it!". There's nothing like it and when you find a great instructor and finally learn to get truly comfortable and able to become perfectly neutral underwater you literally "fly". It truly can feel like a spiritual experience as you dive and glide among the stunning color and marine animals of the underwater world. 

What would you tell people about the oceans?

They need all of our help right away. At this point in history the oceans and marine ecosystems around the world are under tremendous pressure and actually now at a breaking point. Without all of us doing everything in our power to conserve and protect these spectacular resources we are coming dangerously close to no longer having them to enjoy for future generations. Water quality, coral reefs (habitat loss in general) and marine plastics are three particular things we should be mindful to correct. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) with global Public Private Partnerships (3 Ps) are a critical part of a needed strategy to provide relief and shelter for these ecosystems to recover and stabilize. 


What does diving mean to you?

It has provided me with a lifetime of adventures, friendships, and lessons that continue to remind me how very blessed we all are while I simultaneously been so fortunate to make a career of sharing my journey with others, especially students and teachers. 

What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?

My cameras as that is how I have always been able to share my adventures with my family, friends, and the world :)