Global Dive Team - Katrin Gray aka. Mermaid Kat

Katrin Gray aka Mermaid Kat

Location: Hannover, Germany and Perth, Australia

Occupation: Professional Mermaid, Underwater Model

Scuba Diving Since: 2007

Favorite Local Dive: -

Favorite Dive Location: French Polynesia

Mermaid Kat

An Interview with Katrin Gray aka Mermaid Kat

Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans? 

Since I was a young girl and after watching “The Little Mermaid” I have been fascinated by the ocean and was obsessed with the idea of becoming a mermaid. About 20 years later I finally got the chance to become a scuba diver and since then I was hooked. I love spending time in the ocean and visit as often as I can.

How has diving changed your life?

Diving changed my life completely. I used to work for an insurance company in Germany and hated it. Through diving I got to know a new way of life and becoming a scuba diving instructor allowed me to travel, live in beautiful locations and have a job I was passionate about. Through scuba diving I also remembered my childhood dream of wanting to become a mermaid and I made this dream come true. In 2012 I also opened my own mermaid school “Mermaid Kat Academy” where we have trained more than 10,000 students in mermaiding. Especially during my international mermaid retreats, participants have the chance to deeply connect to themselves, other like-minded people and of course, the ocean. Through diving, I also met my wonderful husband. Diving has changed my private and professional life to the better.

What kind of diving do you like to do?

I have tried a few different things and have done some technical diving courses and my intro to cave course. I like a relaxed scuba dive and also freediving without the heavy gear. And of course, I love to be in the water in my mermaid tail. But in general, I love dives with a purpose such as clean up dives or dives that are packed with action. When I did my cave diving training, I couldn’t get enough of all the exercises, like finding your way out of the cave with a blacked-out mask etc. During my work as an underwater model I often get air supplied by a safety diver. During these shoots I often feel so calm and relaxed. Without a mask, when the vision gets blurry and with no noise around me, I move with the water like I’m a part of it. During these moments I think I feel the most connected with the ocean.

Mermaid Kat

Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater?

It’s hard to choose just one. My favorite moments are definitely when I get to experience encounters with marine life. There was this time when I was swimming in my mermaid tail with a pod of dolphins. They were so interested and playful and would stay around forever. They kept coming closer and closer to have a good look at my mermaid tail. We really had a moment there that I have not experienced during dolphin encounters while scuba or free diving. 

Where are some of your favorite places underwater?

I personally love warm water and places where you have the chance to see big marine life. Maybe French Polynesia would be my favorite place because of the variety of marine life you get to see. During my mermaid retreat in Tahiti in 2019 we had encounters with sting rays, black tip reef sharks, turtles, dolphins, humpback whales, oceanic white tips, pilot whales, tiger sharks and more. It’s an ocean lover’s paradise.

What is your advice to someone considering diving?

Do it.

What would you tell people about the oceans?

The ocean is one of the most fascinating places on Earth. It is beautiful and allows us to exist. Without the ocean life wouldn’t be possible for us. Please help protecting it by reducing your waste generation and consumption of fish and seafood.

Mermaid Kat

What does diving mean to you?

It allows me to be free, to dream and to be part of a different world. I absolutely love it and I might even be addicted to it

What's your favorite thing in your dive bag?

I love my pink GO Sport fins from Scubapro. They are the perfect combination of efficiency and style.

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Mermaid Kat