Global Dive Team - Tunc Emre Karakoyunlu

Tunc Emre Karakoyunlu

Location: Istanbul, Turkey

Occupation: Underwater documentary producer

Scuba Diving Since: 1985

Favorite Local Dive: Ayvalik, Bodrum, Kas, Canakkale 

Favorite Dive Location: Red Sea


Tunc Emre Karakoyunlu

Interview with Tunc Emre Karakoyunlu 

Why did you decide to take the giant stride into the oceans?

I feel like I can only breath underwater.

How has diving changed your life?

It was the beginning of everything about my documentaries begun. Diving was my passion to express my feelings about underwater to the people. Now, I am very satisfied about my documentaries to reach people on my ocean passion.


What kind of diving do you like to do?

I like to do technical dive, wreck dive and scooter diving.


Tell us about one of the most amazing experiences you have had underwater.

It was the series of World War II. Wrecks. Amazing experiences came to my life after 250 different technical divings to those wrecks.


Tunc Emre Karakoyunlu


Where are some of your favorite places underwater?

Dahab, Ras Mohammed National Park, Thisthlegorm Wreck.


What is your advice to someone considering diving?

Diving is Math. Math is accurate. Do not conside r& hesitate, its safe, its more than everything you know on the ground.


What would you tell people about the oceans?

Once in your life you should dive in to the oceans. Its life changing event. 


Tunc Emre Karakoyunlu


What does diving mean to you?

The way of living. The way of breathing again.

What’s your favourite thing in your dive bag?

My Diving Alert to Save my Life 😊


Follow Tunc Emre on Instagram and YouTube.